Mike Huckabee does a two-for-one in his new video, hitting Mitt Romney's health care plan unusually hard (the $50 abortion dig is pretty heavy stuff), and also swinging at Barack Obama.
Regarding Massachusetts (ea).
"We've seen what happens in Massachusetts, which is a great -- sort of -- picture of what would happen nationally.
The Massachusetts model has been a total disaster. It's been a disaster from a financial standpoint, [it's] about to bankrupt that state.
[It] Hasn't done all that it's supposed to do in covering everybody, created huge mandates on business, but one of the most disturbing things about the Massachusetts plan is that it gives people the opportunity to have an abortion for a $50 co-pay. So that's all that a human life is worth now in Massachusetts. $50."
And Obama:
"For those of us who are principally pro-life, one of the most disturbing pieces of the legislation being proposed in the name of health-care reform is anything but healthy to an unborn child.
I'm talking about the provision that almost guarantees that part of what will be covered will be elective abortions..... Barack Obama's already proven he's the most pro-abortion President in U.S. history.... I'm telling you there's almost no person I can think of in an elected position who's had a more radical view of liberalized abortion policies than Barack Obama."