Mitt Romney reacts to Obama's presser. It's essentially what he argued before Cantor's ECSWG working group.
On what Obama did well:
"I learned that there's a great rhetorical benefit in being able to set up straw men."
"He did what he does best, speaking, and he did a fine job."
And what he's going to do wrong:
"But he's right to try to push a stimulus plan.... he should have said, look let's spend 450 billion dollars.... to reduce taxes on a permanent basis for middle-income Americans. And number two, spend money on urgent priorities and not on things that are going to do anything that doesn't create jobs. Jobs, jobs, jobs."
What will and won't work:
"We have some pretty good evidence about what works and what doesn't.... stimulus checks did not work [last year]."
Finally, Bill-O sums up the Obama Presidency.:
"If it works, he's in for 8 years; if it doesn't, we'll come back."